SUDHA’S has a well seasoned and experienced core team consisting of architectural, interior design, landscape design, structural, electrical, mechanical disciplines. As well, we provide construction project management, model and graphic visualization, and specification writing services.
Of these services, architectural, interior design, landscape design, and construction project management disciplines are ‘in house,’ though our successful working relationship with the other service providers have been ongoing for many years.


The scope of Architectural and Construction services that SUDHA’S provides includes, but is not limited to the following:

Project Inception

The planning of your project starts here. Working together, you will share your project needs, dreams, and goals.
We will begin by preliminary design based on your requirements and budget to explore all illustrate possible options. We will review these options with you, pointing out the merits and responding to your input.

Schematic Design

Design Development

This stage refines the agreed-upon schematic design for a clearer definition of the scope and quality of the finished project. Further cost projections will determine how closely the design conforms to the budget expectations, if any, adjustments are required.
When the design concepts are finalized, we prepare working drawings and specifications. These are required to obtain building permits and bids, and to guide the contractor in construction.

Construction Documents

Bidding and Negotiation

We will advise you on your choice of contractor – usually done by calling for competitive bids. We will help evaluate the bids and select the contractor and prepare the contract between you and the contractor.
We will consult with you and advise you during construction. On-site visits will determine if construction is proceeding in general accordance with the contract and that the design, materials, and workmanship meets with acceptable standards.

Construction and Contract Administration

Substantial Performance of Construction

We provide regular progress reports to keep you informed, authorize approval of regular payments to the general contractor, and remain involved until substantial completion of the project.

Can we help you with any service?

Fill up your requirement in the form and submit.
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@ +91 9581839999
@ +91 7569898430